The Psychological Brilliance in the Teachings of Jesus

Audio lecture series by Dr. Mark W. Baker

The Psychological Brilliance in the Teachings of Jesus

In this lecture Dr. Baker explains the definition of a truly powerful life based upon the teachings of Jesus. We will examine the difference between being in control and living with true authority. Listen and decide for yourself which is the more psychologically brilliant way to live.
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Jesus on Narcissism

The Bible was written before we had a psychological concept of narcissism. But Jesus has a great deal to say about the self-absorbed person who lacks empathy and takes advantage of others. Dr. Baker will explain what narcissism is and how to guard against it in yourself as well as when you encounter it with others.
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Jesus on Success

In this lecture we will explore four indicators of true success taken from the teachings of Jesus: humility, freedom, character and friendships. Dr. Baker will illustrate with real life examples how these spiritual traits facilitate the most successful life possible. Jesus wants you to be successful and he has given you wisdom on how to achieve it.
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